Electrical panels for industrial automation, electrical and pneumatic installations on machines.

The main hardware sectors in which we operate are: design, electrical panels of power and control with PLC and automation systems, electrical systems on machines, operator interface enclosures.

We design electrical control panels and pneumatic control panels that comply with current regulations in terms of product conformity and safety. We also deal with automation on machines and systems supplied by third parties and conversions and updates of obsolete automation systems.

We realise modern electrical systems on the machine for industrial automation and for all types of applications. Due to the quality of the materials and the accurate workmanship, the on-board systems produced are reliable and safe.


Test benches

Pr.Au.Co. sas designs and manufactures automatic testing machines or test benches, putting the clients' complete satisfaction as the main objective. The experience and knowledge acquired allow us to provide the client with the guarantee of absolute control of the tests carried out by us. We produce automatic and semi-automatic benches for testing equipment and components, including universal test benches for the mechanical and automotive sectors.


Revamping plants

The Revamping and Rebuilding of obsolete plants is an intervention that often corresponds to a radical update, not only replacing worn parts, but improving productivity and adding new features to achieve the optimization and / or recovery of an existing reality.

During its activity, Pr.Au.Co. sas has gained experience, skills and expertise in the revamping and integration processes of production lines, studying ad hoc solutions complete with automation systems, especially for large systems or using particular technologies and sensors and specific actuators.

Our company offers a service of maintenance, replacement and updating of hardware components followed by the redesign of software and control logic, with the aim of improving system efficiency and performance, also adapting it to the probable changes in the needs and regulations of the company.

Our company, in addition to performing the revamping service, deals with the EC recertification of the machines. We assist the client in the preparation of the instruction manuals for use and warnings for the EC certification in the agreed language and in the drafting and assistance to the drafting of the technical dossier.

Special machine constructions

Due to the experience gained over the years, Pr.Au.Co. sas designs and manufactures mechanical constructions and special automatic machines according to the most varied needs and commissions, maintaining constant attention to guarantee a high quality of intervention.


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